Our Purpose

We decided to create this blog for several reason. For starters, we wanted to document our progress in going from house to homestead for our own personal benefit. It will help us get our kids interested and involved in the process, as well as give us a place where we can document the memories, which are a couple of our main goals. It will also be good motivation to keep on keeping on. If we want to push out content, then we will have to be on the constant lookout for new ideas to implement, new projects to try, and new ways to get better at living sustainably. In fact, we’re actually hoping that our readers can help us out in that area. We encourage your comments regarding projects and ideas that we can try, or even ways that we might improve upon our own plans and procedures. Finally, we hope that we may inspire others to take steps, even baby steps, toward becoming more self-sufficient. You may notice that we talk about our kids a lot, but that’s who this is about. It’s not just a legacy that our generation is leaving behind; our children will also have to inherit our impact on the environment. It occurs to me that my kids’ futures will be impacted by the actions of the billions of people all around the world! If I can do anything to convince even just a few to find ways to lessen their environmental footprints, I would be remiss in not trying.

Our plan is to start small. As mentioned in a previous post, we have already taken a few convenient baby steps toward our goal of sustainability, which we will be chronicling in specific categories across the top of the page; and, as we try new things, we will be adding more categories to the list. As for the blog’s layout, all new entries will post to our Main Blog page in reverse chronological order (so, newest posts appear first). In addition, some entries will be double posted if they are applicable to one of the listed categories. This way, you can keep up with everything that is going on with our little homestead project as a whole, or, if you’re interested in seeing how a specific project has progressed, you can go directly to that page and skip over unrelated posts. Who knows, maybe you’ll be able to avoid a few mistakes after seeing our trials and errors. Whatever your reasons for reading, we appreciate you visiting our blog, and we look forward to all of the adventures that we are going to have while Homesteading The City.